• Systematic data collection to evaluate children's oral health outcomes

  • Data dissemination to stakeholders, program planners and policy makers

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  • Development of resources, quality improvement and sustainability of city-wide oral health services

Evaluation Team

We will establish a mechanism to regularly monitor and evaluate the process and impact outcomes of our program. This will facilitate regular quality improvement of CavityFree SF activities, to reduce the disparity gap in childhood caries


of kindergartners with dental caries experience (reduce from 39% in 2011-2012)


difference between kindergartners of color and white kindergartners' caries experience (reduce from 20% in 2011-2012)


of children on Medi-Cal who have seen a dental provider by age 2 (increase from less than 27% in 2016)

  • Increase and ensure human resources for CavityFree SF data collection, analysis, and dissemination.

    We will increase dedicated staff to support program evaluation, and expand participation in this workgroup to include members of the target population, experts in epidemiology, biostats, program evaluation, and quality improvement.

  • Develop an index for each: strategic plan implementation, process, and impact of CavityFree SF in any given year.

    We will identify and utilize metrics for each work team to use for monitoring, research, and evaluation of program implementation and improvement.

  • Develop and maintain data systems.

    We will develop protocols with providers from childcare centers, schools, health systems, and the community, for regular data collection and analyses.

  • Ensure CavityFree SF data is accessible and share results regularly with all stakeholders.

    We will create a dissemination plan focusing on regularly updating key stakeholders and members of our priority population on the progress of the implementation plan.

Join the Evaluation Team

Get involved with our Evaluation Team and join the amazing people making a difference in our city.

Please contact Prasanthi Patel to join the Evaluation Team.

[email protected]


CavityFree SF