Our Members

CavityFree SF is a group of committed individuals working to achieve the goal of zero cavities for all San Francisco children.

Our Advisory Committee

The Implementation Coordination Committee (ICC) is a collaboration of multiple disciplines and sectors, including healthcare, public health, dental advocacy groups, dentists, educators and more, advising the core team to move CavityFree SF's work forward.

Alicia Montell, DDS

Ben Meisel, MD, MPH

San Francisco Department of Public Health

Betsy Merzenich, MA

Hirsch & Associates

Catherine Collen

Metta Fund

Cecilia Gonzalez, MD

Kaiser Permanente

Christine Miller, MA, MHS, RDH

University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dragoni School of Dentistry

Claire Sit, RDH, BS

SF Department of Public Health

David Rothman, DDS

David L Rothman DDS Pediatric Dentistry

Elaine Musselman, RN, PHD, CNE

San Francisco State University

Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Jess Wiley, MPH

San Francisco Health Plan

Jodi Stookey, PHD

SF Department of Public Health

Justin Adeyanju

District 10 Task Force Lead

APA Family Support Services

Karen Raju, BDS, MPH, DPH

CSHCN Program Manager


Kati Barahona-Lopez, PhD

Mission Task Force Lead


Kent Woo, MSW

NICOS Health Coalition

Lilly Nguyen, MPH

DTI Project Coordinator

SF Department of Public Health

Linda Kuo, DDS

HealthRight 360

Lisa Berens, DDS, MPH

CavityFree SF Co-Lead

UCSF School of Dentistry

Mary Jue, RN, MSN

SF Unified School District

May Bosco, RDHAP, MBA

SF Department of Public Health

Pedro Arista, MPH

Hirsch & Associates

Prasanthi Patel, MPH

CavityFree SF Co-Lead

SF Department of Public Health

Stuart Gansky. MS, DrPH


Susan Fisher-Owens, MD, MPH


Tomoko Isogai, RN, MSN, PHN

School Nurse Coordinator

San Francisco Unified School District

Vanessa Bohm, MA


Join a CavityFree SF Team and help us reach our goal of zero cavities for all SF Children!

Join us!

CavityFree SF Teams

Our CavityFree SF teams are filled with city leaders who are making things happen.

Access Team

Elaine Musselman, RN, PHD, CNE

Access Team Chair

SF State University

Aira Villareal

SF Department of Public Health

Angel Nguyen, MS, RD

Kai Ming Head Start

Andrea Zhou, MPH

Wu Yee Headstart

Bonnie Jue, DDS

Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentristry

Claire Sit, RDH, BS

SF Department of Public Health

Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Kim Levine


Kristine Ramilo

Mission Neighborhood Center Head Start

Lauren Jones

Wu Yee Headstart

Lauren Umetani, RDH

SF Department of Public Health

Linda Kuo, DDS


Mylene Deano

Magic Tooth Bus

Prasanthi Patel, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Tomoko Isogai, MSN, RN, PHN

San Francisco Unified School District

Integration Team

Susan Fisher-Owens, MD, MPH

Integration Team Chair


Aira Villareal

SF Department of Public Health

Alicia Montell, DDS

SF Department of Public Health

Angela Miller, MD

SF Department of Public Health

Cecilia Gonzalez, MD

Kaiser Permanente San Francisco

Christine E. Miller, RDH, MHS, MA

University of the Pacific

Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Jennifer Albon, MD


Jessica Wiley, MPH

San Francisco Health Plan

Katrina Liu, MD

North East Medical Services (NEMS)

Liliana Ocegueda, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Lilly Nguyen, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Margy Hutchinson, CNM, MSN

SF General Hospital

May Bosco, RDHAP, BS

SF Department of Public Health

Prasanthi Patel, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Promotion Team

Christine Miller, MA, MHS, RDH

Promotion Team Chair

University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dragoni School of Dentistry

Aira Villareal

SF Department of Public Health

Ana Soria

Delta Dental

Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Jennifer Swaney

Delta Dental

Justin Adeyanju

APA Family Support Services

Kati Barahona-Lopez, PhD


Kent Woo, MSW

NICOS Chinese Health Coalition

Kim Levine


Lesley Latham, DDS

Bayview Hunters point/District 10 Task Force

Lilly Nguyen, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Lisa Berens, DDS, MPH


Mary Jue, MSN, RN

SF Unified School District

Prasanthi Patel, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Tomoko Isogai, RN, MSN, PHN

SF Unified School District

Vanessa Bohm, MA


Walter Lucio, DDS, MPH

Deltal Dental

Evaluation Team

Jodi Stookey, PHD

Evaluation Team Chair

SF Department of Public Health

Aira Villareal

SF Department of Public Health

Claire Sit, RDH

SF Department of Public Health

Christine Miller, RDH, MHS, MA

Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

Lisa Berens, DDS, MPH


Prasanthi Patel, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

Robert Isman, DDS, MPH

Former Medi-Cal Dental Services Division

Sepideh Banava


Stuart Gansky, MS, DrPH,


Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) subgroup



Karen Raju, BDS, MPH, DPH

CSHCN Program Manager


Aira Villareal

SF Department of Public Health

Allen Wong, DDS, EdD, DABSCD

Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry

Ben Meisel, MD, MPH

SF Department of Public Health

David Rothman, DDS

David L Rothman DDS Pediatric Dentistry

Ingrid Lin, MD

Golden Gate Regional Center

Jean Calvo, DDS, MPH


Jess Wiley, MPH

SF Health Plan

Jim Welsh, MSW

 Support For Families of Children with Disabilities

Lisa Berens, DDS, MPH


May Bosco, RDHAP, MBA

SF Department of Public Health

Ray Stewart, DMD, MS


Coordination Team

Lisa Berens, DDS, MPH



Prasanthi Patel, MPH


SF Department of Public Health

Aira Villareal

Program Assistant

SF Department of Public Health

Thank You!

CavityFree SF