Access - Innovative Team

We will improve children and pregnant women’s access to dental services by expanding service delivery into settings they frequent. This includes childcare centers, schools, and WIC sites.

Since the CavityFree SF Strategic Plan began in 2014:


New preschools offered Fluroride Varnish


Decrease in caries experience in preschoolers


Increase in preschoolers receiving Fluoride Varnish

  • Increase the number of providers delivering preventive oral health services where children frequent.

    We will identify opportunities for public-private partnerships for preventive care provision outside of traditional dental offices, prioritizing neighborhoods with limited dental resources.

  • Expand oral health preventive service delivery to settings where caregivers, children, and pregnant women frequent.

    We will advocate for preschool children to receive preventive oral health services at their childcare sites, at the ⅓ highest risk preschools and community resource centers in the highest risk neighborhoods.

  • Expand the oral health preventive services at SFUSD.

    We will support the expansion of fluoride varnish and sealant programs at SFUSD, at the ⅓ highest risk elementary schools.

Join the Access - Innovative Team

Get involved with our Access – Innovative Team and join the amazing people making a difference in our city.

Please contact Elaine Musselman to join the Access – Innovative Team.

[email protected]


CavityFree SF